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New GDPR regulation has been designed to enhance data protection for all individuals in relation to personal data and information held within the European Union. Our Privacy Policy contains important information about personal details we collect, what we do with this information, who we may share it with and why, and your choices and rights when it comes to personal information you have given us.

What information do we collect?

A key element of the new regulation is transparency in terms of providing accessible information about how we process personal information. As a service provider we hold and process individuals’ data. The kind of data we hold can refer to the following – please note this list is not exhaustive.

Name, address, date of birth, contact numbers, bank account details, emails, letters, PPS numbers, emergency contact details, keyholder names, tenant details, owners leases, car details and other personal identifiable information.

Data Collection via our website?

Our website uses Google Analytics to track user visits and interactions but as an anonymous visitor to this website we do not collect any personally identifiable information about you.

What do we do with information we collect? How do we use collected information?

Any information collected by McMahon O’Connor Residential is obtained for purposes which are specific, lawful and clearly stated. Any use of the data by McMahon O’Connor Residential is compatible with the purposes for which the data was acquired. Your information is only shared where necessary for us to carry out our lawful business service or to comply with laws and regulations that apply to us. Any information provided to us is held securely and is not shared with third parties unless we have your permission or it is required for your service.

How do we protect data?

McMahon O’Connor Residential employs high standards of security in order to protect the personal data under its care. Appropriate security measures are taken to protect against unauthorised access to or disclosure of any personal data held by McMahon O’Connor Residential in its capacity as Data Controller. Access to and management of customer records is limited to those employees who have appropriate authorisation and password access.

McMahon O’Connor Residential ensure that the data it processes in relation to data subjects are relevant to the purposes for which this data is collected. Data which is not relevant to such processing will not be acquired or maintained.

Storing Manual Data

Any manual date kept is stored in a secure locked office. Care is taken to ensure that data is disposed of correctly and securely and deletion of manual data is via the use of a shredder.

Storing Automated Data

Computerised records are not left unattended and all systems are logged off or locked appropriately. All computerised systems are password protected. All records are backed up regularly on an appropriate data storage backup system.

Who do we share this information with and why?

At McMahon O’Connor Residential we take privacy and the protection of clients and staff data very seriously. We will continue to actively implement the changes required for this new regulation.

Your information is only shared where necessary for us to carry out our lawful business service or to comply with laws and regulations that apply to us. Any information provided to us is held securely and is not shared with third parties unless we have your permission or it is required for your service.

The Data is shared only with similar Data Processors for the purpose described above.

The categories of Data Processors are:

Database Management Systems
Maintenance Contractors
Emergency Service Providers

With regards to providing McMahon O’Connor Residential with any personal information relating to a third party you must notify the third party that you are providing their personal information to us and seek their permission to do so. Any information provided to us, must be, to the best of your knowledge accurate and up to date.

What are the key changes for you – GDPR sets out the following rights
• The right of access to information – the right to access personal data a company holds on you.
• The right to be informed on what personal information we have, why and who we share it with.
• The right to have inaccuracies corrected.
• The right to restrict the processing of information.
• The right to have information erased if not in violation of statutory or contractual requirements.
Please contact us in writing or by email if you would like to contact us in relation to any of the above points or if you would like to discuss any of the rights above.
In writing-
GDPR Manager, McMahon O’Connor Residential
8a Bath Place, Blackrock, Co. Dublin
By email – with subject address as GDPR Manager
Our updated Privacy Policy should make it easier for you to understand the purposes for which we process your information and your rights to control how we process it. We may change this privacy statement from time to time so please do check this section of our website for updated changes.